Contact Us
East West Road No. 3, JVPD Scheme, Juhu, Mumbai – 400049.
Contact no.: 8433951863 / 8433713854 / 8433943385
Frequently Asked Questions
- General
- What are the school hours?
Early Years:
- a) EY 1 – 12.00 noon to 02.00 pm
- b) EY 2- 08.30 am to 11.30 am
- c) EY 3 – 08.30 am to 11.30 am
- d) EY 4 – 12.00 noon to 03.00 pm
Primary Section:
01.00 pm to 06.00 pm (Class 1-5)
Secondary Section:
07.30 am to 01.00 pm (Class 6-10)
A Levels:
8.00 am to 3.00 pm (Class 11& 12)
- What does the typical school year look like?
The school & College year will be divided into two terms. First term shall be from June to October and the second term shall be from November to April. There shall be a two week vacation generally in October/November to fit in with the Diwali festival and one week during Christmas. The summer vacation shall ordinarily be from May to mid-June.
The maximum number of holidays including all vacations in the institution, shall be as per the circular received by the Education Department.
Students will not attend school/college on bank holidays stipulated by the Education Department. School and college will be in session Monday through Friday.
- What curriculum is followed?
Our Institution began as an SSC school in 1982, affiliated to the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education. We offer the SSC curriculum from grade 4 onwards until grade 10 currently.
We also follow the International Primary Curriculum (Early Years Programme) UK, since 2007 which is primarily designed for children between the ages of 3 and 5.
We adopt the Cambridge Education from our Primary Section onwards and take it to the A level after which our students graduate with a specialization of their choice. The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is a comprehensive two-year programme, spread over Class 9 and 10.
- Are all teachers qualified?
All Staff members are fully qualified to teach in the school and are employed in accordance with the school’s employment policy. Moreover the staff members are all appraised through a 360 degree appraisal process regularly to ensure continual improvement. Workshops and trainings are regularly planned for staff members to keep themselves updated and work towards bettering themselves professionally.
- What safety measures are taken by the school?
Safety of our students and staff is of paramount importance and we have adopted stringent measures.
Mock Drills on disaster management, emergency evacuation and training programmes for security personnel are organized regularly. Our safety systems ensure we are disaster ready. Firefighting readiness is evident in our omnipresent smoke detectors and water sprinklers. Our gates are manned by vigilant security who screen people on entry and only those with authorization cards are let in. Within the school premises, each nook and cranny has CCTV cameras which are monitored round the clock by staff deputed for that sole purpose.
- Is the school accredited or affiliated to any organizations?
The school is affiliated to and accredited by the following organizations:
- ISO: We were the first school in India to get certified in 2001 with the ISO 9001:1994 standard. The latest revision was in 2015, where ISO 9001:2008 was revised to its current version i.e. 9001:2015. The accreditation is done by UKAS, certificate is issued by a third party certification body, Bureau Veritas Certification India.
- ISA: We are proud to say that we have been conferred the ’International School Award’ consecutively: 2007-2010, 2011-2014, 2015 – 2018 and yet again from 2018-2021 by the British Council.
- Cognia: In June 2020, Utpal Shanghvi Global School became the first school in Maharashtra to earn US based COGNIA ACCREDITATION, which has it’s headquarters in Gerogia. It is the consortium of 3 of the largest, oldest and most prestigious US Regional Accreditors
- Is there a school bus service?
Our bus service is outsourced to Aroon Travels and is available for students at an additional fee. Students from EY 2 to grade 10 can avail of this facility. All buses have one driver, one cleaner and one lady attendant to ensure safety of the students.
- Are there any opportunities for parent involvement at USGS/PPSIJC?
The Management encourages the active cooperation and participation of the parents in the Institution. In order to facilitate the participation of the parents, the Management established the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA).
The PTA of the institution is an effervescent organization, always on the roll adding strength and support to the Institution. Its Executive Committee is elected every year from a group of zealous parents who nominate themselves and are then elected via secret ballot. They are actively engaged in the school & College events throughout the year.
The efficiently organized PTA operates through the various sub-committees. These teams ensure the smooth conduct of all events. The Management of the Institution supports all their ventures. The activities provide a base for interaction and enrichment of the entire JPES community. The reservoir of talent in children, staff and parents is tapped during these annual events.
- What is the Teacher: student ratio and class size?
The EY section has a 15:1 ratio while grades 1 upwards, the ratio is 1:30 for the Cambridge curriculum and 1:40 for the State Board curriculum.
- How is technology integrated in the curriculum?
In the words of George Couros, “Technology will not replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational.” We truly believe in this and hence all our classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art technology like smart boards and television sets which allow for greater differentiation, individualized learning, real world integration, and varied assessments. Moreover, students get one computer each to work on in our computer labs, which provides them with hands on experience.
- What health services are offered in USGS/PPSIJC?
Student health and safety being our top priority, regular health camps are held for all students which include a thorough dental and eye check- up. Our in-house nutritionist monitors the food available in the canteen and also plans the diet for all our athletes, ensuring they get a nutritious and healthy diet for their strenuous schedules. We also have a Homeopath who students are free to approach for any health concern. Moreover, we are also situated right next to Arogya Nidhi Hospital and in case of emergencies, our students are taken there for immediate treatment.
- Is there a parent/ student portal? (ERP) and how do I access that?
The ERP system we use is called SKOLARO and on admission, the details, including username, password and a user guide is mailed to parents to provide easy access.
- Students
- How many students are studying at USGS/PPSIJC?
There are currently 2872 students studying in the institution. 2702 in USGS and 170 in PPSIJC.
- Will my child learn any extracurricular activities?
A host of events, extra-curricular and co-curricular activities planned throughout the academic year keep the students busy tapping their creative side. They not only learn to multi task but it is also a platform to showcase their hidden talents. Our planner is filled with activities and students are spoilt for choice with the wide array of activities and competitions held.
- What is the school uniform policy?
All students of USGS and PPSIJC (with the exception of students of EY1 and EY2 have to wear a uniform that can be purchased from our fixed vendors. Information about this is given in the school handbook.
- Can my child buy snacks at school?
Students are encouraged to carry their own snacks from home, but for their convenience, there is a fully functional cafeteria in the school premises that offers nutritious and hygienic food at a very reasonable rate for students who wish to buy it. Our in-house nutritionist ensures the food passes through safety and food checks regularly and also offers consultation to students and staff who wish to avail of it.
- Do I need to pay for books?
There is a separate charge for text books and note books. Both will be made available on our premises. The text books are available at a 30% discount that the Management passes on to the parents, if they are purchased in school.
- Is there an attendance policy at USGS/PPSIJC?
Regular attendance is important for the student to attain maximum benefit from the educational program. Parents are requested to notify the Principal’s office in advance if a student absence is planned. Parents will be asked to provide written reasons for all absences as per the Student Handbook procedure on student absences.
- My child has special learning needs. How will USGS/PPSIJC be able to accommodate these differences?
We believe that all children should be given equal opportunities to learn and no child should be left behind. We have on roll, a full time Counselor and Special Educator who screen and support students with special needs or any behavioral issues. They also help teachers identify such students early on and help students with any special accommodations they may require in class or during examinations.
- How do USGS/PPSIJC results compare to other schools?
Year after year, our results and achievements speak for themselves. We are proud of the fact that we are among the top schools in Mumbai and have been Ranked no. 3 in Mumbai under schools offering both National and International Curriculum and
Ranked no. 1 in Zone B (covers Bandra (W), Khar (W), Santacruz (W), Vile Parle and Andheri(W) under schools offering both National and International Curriculum
- Where do your graduates go?
Our students every year have gone on to the best colleges in India and worldwide, including IVY league colleges. We have successful alumni in almost every field and are proud of their accomplishments.
- How does the school prepare its students for success?
Apart from the usual academic rigour, our students are exposed to a variety of events like GCMUN, TED talks, extra- curricular and co-curricular subjects like SSP, Drama, Music, Dance, Yoga etc. which help set a school culture that fosters real world learning. Important 21st Century skills like knowing how to interview well, critical thinking, debating and communication skills are all taught to students through myriad activities that are fun and at the same time, prepare them for an uncertain future.
- Do the students get any guidance and career counseling for higher education?
The Career Counseling Cell of USGS & PPSIJC is set up to guide all students from grade 8 to A levels to help them make an informed decision about subject and stream selection and possible career options. University fairs, exhibits, talks and panel discussions by notable alumni/ experts in the field are held as well as interactions with admissions officers from various universities are facilitated. Students are also given guidance on profile building, resume writing and interview skills. This ensures they are armed with all the support they need and our students have secured scholarships and admission in top universities around the world, including some Ivy League Universities as well.
- My child is working above grade level in certain subjects. What does USGS/PPSIJC do to support children such as these?
We have an Enhancement Cell which consists of a very formidable team of experienced staff members. This team comprises of a Counselor, Special Educator, Doctor, Nutritionist and Graphologist who help such children develop holistically and works with them at their level.
- Do you have any vacation classes/ workshops?
At USGS, weekends and vacations are time to pursue hobbies and passions and enhance them to perfection! The school conducts two Theatre Workshops during the year. One is in summer vacations and the other is on Saturdays from July to December. We also conduct film making workshops where we introduce students to the entire process of Film making … From Script … to Screen. Apart from this, sports camps are held in the vacation as well, where students are given intensive coaching in the sport of their choice.
- What is the school policy of bullying/ragging?
The Management takes very seriously, its responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children; and to work together with staff members to ensure adequate arrangements within the institution to identify, assess, and support those children who are suffering, or likely to suffer, harm. Our very strict and elaborate Child Protection Policy ensures prevention of abuse by maintaining the ethos and atmosphere of the institution that is conducive to a safe environment. Strict action is taken against bullying and we also have an anti-bullying advisory forum where students can address their grievances.
- What leadership opportunities are offered to students?
The school firmly believes in the quote by John F. Kennedy “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” Hence right from grade 3 students are given leadership opportunities in class as class leaders or representatives. From grade 8 onwards they can vie for a position in the Student Council, a team of extremely talented students who are role models for the others. At PPSIJC they can also apply for a position in the Rotaract Club which is a part of The Rotary International Foundation known world over. There are several other clubs they can apply to be in the core committee of and also organize and chair the GCMUN. The opportunities are endless!
- Does the school organize visits/ trips for its students?
The Management believes that travel can be educational; therefore, field trips and visits are encouraged. Students of all sections are taken on visits/ field trips that complement and give a more practical exposure to what is taught in class. All these trips and visits require formal parental consent.
- Are students allowed to carry electronic gadgets to school?
Students of USGS are not permitted to carry any gadgets to school. At PPSIJC they are permitted to carry their phones, however they must keep them in the lockers provided in their lounge area and are not allowed to use them during class.
- Does the school provide locker facility?
All students have their personal lockers in their classrooms. Students from grade 1 upwards can access their lockers on their own to store any material that they need daily so as to avoid carrying heavy bags to school.
- Are there any scholarships available?
A full fee waiver is given to a world topper and a 50% waiver in fees is given to an India topper at the IGCSE level who seeks admission to AS and A2 Level.
- Admission
- When can we come to see the school?
The school does not have a policy of conducting a “School Tour”.
- How can we decide for the admission if the tour of the school is not permitted?
The decision should be influenced by what the institution symbolizes and stands for rather than the interiors and facade.
- Where can I get details regarding the curriculum followed by the school?
You can visit our school website for details and for curriculum insight you can go on (for class 1 to class 10)
- We cannot wait till March as the previous school is asking for fees to confirm admission for the next year? Can the admission be confirmed before December? Or Our current school is asking for advance fees to be paid before the new academic year begins, we can’t wait till then, can we have some guarantee for the admission?
As a policy, the availability is reviewed by the management typically during the last week of March. Hence it is not possible to confirm any admission before the procedure begins.
- Till when do we have to wait for admission confirmation as we need to apply in other schools also? Or How long do I wait for the response from your school?
For classes EY 2 to class 10, the availability of seats for admission is reviewed typically during the last week of March. Also, the seats available for admission are either none or limited.
For EY 1 and A Level: Parents are advised not to bank on this institution as the applications received are usually more than the seats available. Also, the management reserves the right for selection, hence the chances of the admission are not known.
- Is there any religion/caste/any other quota for admission?
Admission shall be based on data submitted as required by the professional Staff to determine:
- The potential of the applicant to benefit from the educational services available
- The capacity of the institution to meet the educational needs of the applicant
Admission shall not be denied because of nationality, race or creed, however admission from classes EY 2 till A Level depends on the availability of seats and eligibility criteria.
The institution wishes to accept all qualified applicants and shall make every effort to provide facilities needed for the expected enrollment.
- What are the criteria for selecting the applications for admission?
For classes EY 2 to class 10, the admission is granted on case to case basis as the seats are either none or limited.
For class EY 1: Priority will be given to:
- Children and Grandchildren of the bonafide PLOTHOLDER members of the below mentioned 14 Founder Societies of Juhu Vile Parle Development Co-operative Housing Association, Juhu Scheme:
Ashok Nagar, Azad Nagar, Friends, Hatkesh, JaiHind, Kapole, Navyug, New India, Nutan Laxmi, Presidency, Suvarna Nagar, Swastik, Vallabh Nagar and Vithal Nagar.
- Children and Grandchildren of the bonafide TENENT / RESIDENTS residing in the 14 Co-operative Housing Societies as stated above.
Subject to Availability:
- SIBLING (Brother / sister [not cousins]) of the bonafide students presently studying in this institution.
- Children & Paternal Grandchildren of MEMBER OF THE JUHU PARLE EDUCATION SOCIETY
- Children of EX-STUDENT of this institution provided the ex-student was a bonafide student during the last 6 years of schooling.
- Children of bonafide STAFF working in the school.
- GENERAL applicants subject to place of residence within the following geographical areas: Pincodes: 400049, 400053, 400054, 400056, 400057, 400058,400069,400093 and 400061.
- For class A Level: on merit
The management reserves the right to grant admission and to make necessary alteration in the process of admission.
- How do we follow-up regarding our application?
For classes EY 2 to class 10, If the application is shortlisted for admission, the parents will be contacted by last week of March or first week of April.
For class EY 1: as and when the application is shortlisted for admission, the parents will be contacted by school on the registered email id.
- I am currently overseas. Can the admission process be done online?
Yes, visit the website for details.
- I have recently been transferred to Mumbai and the residence will be decided based on the school where my child will be admitted. Will that be a problem while applying?
The registration can be done.
- My child is just few days short of the cutoff date mentioned. Can I still get admission?
No. We follow the Government GR for age eligibility.
- Does the child have to appear for any entrance test?
No, except for cases either coming from overseas or from an unrecognized school limited to class 4.
- Can we meet the Management / Trustee / CEO/ Principal with regards to admission?
Not recommended.
- Can the application submitted prior to March and later submit the marksheet?
No hard copies to be submitted only online registrations are to be done.
- Is there any pre-registration to be done for admission? Or Is there any waiting list of admission cases?
No. There is no “first come first serve” basis of admission.
- Is there any form or application to be collected from the school to apply for my child’s admission?
The admission forms are issued online for class EY 1 and A Level and are to be filled online during the month of October. The parents who wish to seek admission for class EY 2 to class 10 have to fill in the registration form as mentioned in the admission process.
- What are the subject options available at various levels?
These are the subject options a student needs to select for class 9 and 10 (CAIE)
Sr.No OPTION 1(Science): OPTION 2(Commerce): OPTION 3(Humanities/Commerce): 1. English English English 2. Math Accounting Economics 3. Physics Business Studies PART A(3rd Subject)*:Business Studies /Accounting 4. Chemistry Economics PART B(4th Subject)*:Environmental Mgmt/Mathematics 5. Biology PART A(5th subject)*: Math/EM PART C(5th Subject)*: Math / EM / CS 6. (6th subject)*: Accounting/Art & Design/ Business Studies/CS/Environmental Mgmt/Economics/Geography/Global Perspective/Hindi. PART B(6th subject)*: Accounting/ Art & Design/Business studies/Economics/Environmental Mgmt/ Global Perspective/Geography/Hindi. PART D(6th Subject)*:Accounting /Art & Design/Business Studies/CS/EM/Economics/GP/Geography. - What are the language options available at various levels?
English will be a compulsory 1st Language up to class 10 and for A level.
Marathi will be a compulsory 2nd Language from class 1 to class 10.
Class 1 to 3 -> English + Marathi
Class 4 -> English + Hindi + Marathi
Class 5 to 8 -> English + Marathi + Hindi(100) / Hindi(50) & Gujrati(50)
Class 9,10 -> English + Marathi(Graded)
For State Board:
English will be a compulsory 1st Language up to class 10.
Marathi will be a compulsory 2nd Language up to class 10.
Class 7 -> English + Marathi + Hindi(100) / Hindi(50) & Gujrati(50)
Class 8 to 10 -> English + Marathi + Hindi(100) / Hindi(50) & Gujrati(50) / Hindi(50) & French(50)
- What is the process for admission of my ward who has finished his / her AS and wants to appear privately from your institution?
We do not cater to Private students.
- Early Years
- What is the program offered in the Early years?
We offer the International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) for all our Early years’ students.
- How many students/teachers are in each class?
Our student teacher ratio is 1:15. Each class has 30 students with 2 teachers and a maid dedicated for that class.
- How do you help children deal with separation anxiety?
We start off the academic year with just 45 minutes of school time for the first week for our EY 1 students, and 1 hour for the first two days for our EY 2 students. On the first day of school, one parent can accompany their ward in class to help them familiarize themselves to their teacher and the environment. Likewise, for EY 3 and EY 4, students attend school half day for the first two days and then start full day school.
- How does the school communicate with parents?
In the beginning of the academic year, we have a Parent Orientation session where parents are briefed about how we work and what is expected of parents. On the last working day of every month, we have a formal Partnership Meet where parents can come and interact with their wards’ teachers and can have a look at the work done in class. Students are not to accompany parents for this meeting.
- Does USGS have a potty-training policy?
At USGS we do not require EY 1 students to be potty-trained. Our maids change their students’ diapers, and assist children in the bathroom while they are working towards being fully potty-trained. EY 2 students are permitted to wear diapers initially and teachers help wean them off diapers gradually with help and support from parents. EY 3 and EY 4 students are expected to be potty trained.
- Are snacks provided?
A daily healthy snack, specially planned and monitored by our in-house nutritionist is provided for all EY students. Students eat lunch in their classrooms with their teachers. However if parents opt to send their own snacks for any particular reason, they may intimate the same to the supervisor beforehand. Any allergies or medical issues related to food are to be informed in writing at the beginning of the year so care can be taken accordingly.