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Another Level Higher

    Another Level Higher is the online college magazine which is the oldest student-led initiative of our college that started way back in 2015. Created for those with an ardent love for the language, ALH features ten sections that range across writing types to bring its loyal readership of over 45,000 people across the world ; a literary experience they love. With Mrs. Savneet Kaur as the teacher in-charge, ALH has blossomed into one of PPSIJC’s most successful and prestigious initiatives. It is completely run by  students of PPSIJC-whether it is  design, technical aspects, social media or literary aspects.  As the reader community of ALH grows, it is now divulging in new exciting ventures such as a podcast that will enrich the experience of Another Level Higher as an entity.

    Do visit our page:

    Instagram: @alevelhigher